The Sacred Place - Huuheyn-hada poles
The Sacred Place - Huuheyn-hada poles
Excursion to the sacred poles is entertaining and useful. Conglomerate poles are located on the left shore of Shumak, 6 kilometers downstream from the springs.
40-meter conical formations appeared in the Mesozoic era and made of pebbles and fossilized plants and trees under the influence of wind and water took bizarre shapes.
It is believed that the spirit - the keeper of Shumak - lives in this place. This place combines in a special way matter and energy. Many generations of ancestors, honoring the place, left here their positive energy of thoughts and feelings. On the right shore of Shumak river, opposite the unique rock, there are two statues: the heads of women. Buryat people call them "gods". "Gods" are hung with jewelry, gold and silver accessories. Men come here in order to meditate. They say that they see their future. Women come here in order to beg for children (this place is often called "Women valley" or "Mount - child"). In gratitude for the miraculous power of the valley people leave here a variety of gifts.
Duration of the excursion: 5 – 6 hours.
The excursional hiking tours are available for:
- persons not younger than 8 years old, and also from 8 to 16 years old with written parental permission;
- persons, who passed the safety training;
- tourists in boots with hard soles and hard protectors, and clothes that cover to all parts of the body.
The excursional hiking tours are not available for:
- drunk or intoxicated persons;
- persons, who didn't pass the safety training.
Traveling in the highlands is a traumatic rest.
In the case of personal injury as a result of hiking without instructor or not following the safety rules during the excursional hiking tour (accomapnied by instructor) in the valley of Shumak river, tourist is responsible for the consequences of the injury.